Trump Reminded The Prayer Breakfast What’s Inscribed On The Top Of The Washington Monument

Benny Johnson Columnist, Viral Politics
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Speaking at the National Prayer Breakfast Thursday morning, President Trump touched on the deep religious heritage and traditions of America. In his remarks, Trump noted that “Our rights are not given to us by man, our rights come from our Creator.” Trump then brought up a little-known piece of American heritage: the inscription on the top of the Washington Monument.

“That is why the words ‘Praise be to God’ are etched atop the Washington Monument,” Trump said, “and those same words are etched into the hearts of our people. So today we praise God for how truly blessed we are to be American.”

Inscribed in the aluminum capstone atop the Washington Monument are the names of men who helped build and design the monument. Inscribed in the capstone are also the words “Laus Deo.” “Laus Deo” means “Praise be to God” in Latin.

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The Washington Monument is one of the tallest structures in D.C., standing 555 feet, 5.125 inches high.

Trump ended his comments on a patriotic, religious note:

On our land we see the splendor of God’s creation. Throughout the history we see the story of God province. And in every city in town we see the Lord’s grace around us through a million acts of kindness, courage and generosity. We love God. We see the Lord’s grace in the service members who risk their lives for our freedom.