Fox News media analyst Howard Kurtz wasn’t a fan of CNN’s Jim Acosta shouting questions at President Donald Trump at this year’s White House Easter Egg Roll.
Just after the egg roll, Acosta started yelling questions about DACA while Trump was coloring with his son Barron and about a dozen other children. (RELATED: Jim Acosta Yelled At Trump While He Was Coloring With Children At White House Easter Egg Roll)
Acosta defended his actions on Twitter, but Kurtz explained on Fox News why the Easter Egg Roll was not an appropriate venue for his behavior.
“I’m all for shouting questions but Jim Acosta clearly crossed a line by doing it in this setting with a bunch of children surrounding the president,” Kurtz said. “CNN, I assume, must be happy with the job Acosta is doing because this sort of thing has come up again and again and he doesn’t seem to be reined in by the network at all.”
Kurtz explained that it is more common for journalists to become a part of the story in the age of social media, but that is not the job of a White House correspondent.
“Yes, you should be aggressive, and I was critical of correspondents who were rude and interrupted President Obama so I’m consistent on this,” he said, “but when you do it in that fashion, bunch of children sitting around, and when you are debating the issues with the president or his aides instead of asking questions trying to elicit information, that’s not really the role of the White House correspondent.”
“That’s where I have some problems with the way Acosta does his job,” he concluded.