A student at Georgetown University confronted House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi Tuesday over her infamous “crumbs” comment.
The student brought up the multiple times that the California Democrat referred to the GOP tax cuts as “crumbs” for the middle class, saying, “As the son of small business owners, I know that it’s helped my parents hire more employees. It’s helped us pay off our mortgage, helped put me through college.”
“On a macro economic level, the economy’s growing, wages are rising for the first time in years,” he continued. “Would you still refer to the effects of this tax plan on average Americans as crumbs?”
Pelosi answered in part, “My statement was really a fuller statement that says while they provide a banquet to the top one percent, they are giving some crumbs to other people.”
She also asked the student, “Did you know 83 percent of the benefits of the tax bill go to the top one percent? 83 percent of the benefits, to the top one percent. In the life of the bill, 86 million middle class families will pay more taxes.”