
MSNBC Guest Claims Mike Pence Would Put Gay People In ‘Concentration Camps’ If He Became President

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Justin Caruso Contributor
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Brandon Wolf, vice president of the “Dru Project,” appeared on MSNBC Saturday and baselessly claimed that Vice President Mike Pence wants to put gay people in “concentration camps.”


“We have homophobic psychopaths running the United States government today,” Wolf said.

“We have a secretary of state, as was mentioned, that believes that gay people are sinners based on who they are. If Mike Pence, God bless him, ended up in the White House, sitting behind that desk in the Oval Office, he would have us all in concentration camps hoping to pray away the gay.”

The statement was delivered after Joy Reid’s opening segment in which she apologized for homophobic blog posts from years ago. However, she still claimed that she didn’t think she wrote them.

“Here’s what I know,” Reid said. “I genuinely do not believe I wrote those hateful things because they are completely alien to me but I can definitely understand based on things I have tweeted and I have written in the past why some people don’t believe me. I have not been exempt from being dumb or cruel or hurtful to the very people I want to advocate for. I own that. I get it. And for that I am truly, truly story.”