
Trump Cracks Joke About Election Night That Will Drive Hillary Clinton Insane

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Justin Caruso Contributor
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President Donald Trump recalled how so many people said he couldn’t get enough electoral college votes to win the 2016 election during a speech at the National Rifle Association (NRA) convention Friday.

Trump dropped a joke that will drive Hillary Clinton insane, mocking those who said he couldn’t get to 270.


Trump recalled election night 2016, saying, “We really had a big night.”

“Remember they said there’s no way, electoral college, there is no way to win for me. There is no way to 270.”

“They were right–but 306 was okay, right?” Trump said.

He continued, “306. So, we had a great time. I think we are doing better now than ever before. I think we are more popular now from the standpoint now we produce. You know, when I was running I said we would give you tax cuts.” (RELATED: ‘I Figured You Would Ask That’ — Trump Claps Back At Reporter Who Interrupts Him)

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