
NBC’s Brian Williams Runs Fake News Segment About Trump And Dogs


Amber Athey Podcast Columnist
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NBC News’ Brian Williams ran a false segment on Tuesday night claiming that President Donald Trump has only ever been photographed with one dog.


Williams argued that Trump’s “dog” insults clearly show that he isn’t a fan of the domestic animal and probably doesn’t like pets at all.

“Does this president really physically not like dogs?” Williams asked his guest, The Washington Post’s Philip Rucker, with disdain.

“That’s right, Brian. He’s actually the first president in more than 100 years that’s not had a dog as a pet in the White House,” Rucker reported, adding that Trump’s first wife had a poodle that wasn’t a big fan of the then-businessman.

Williams said that his team “launched an extensive web search” to find photos of Trump with dogs and could only find one.

“It took us at least a few minutes and we could only find one photo … of Donald Trump with a dog,” Williams claimed, noting that Trump is a “germaphobe.”

However, a quick google search reveals multiple photos of Trump posing with dogs. The results are immortalized in a video by The Reagan Battalion:

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