
MSNBC Contributor Gives Scathing Review Of Kavanaugh’s Opening Statement

(Photo credit should read JIM BOURG/AFP/Getty Images)

Mike Brest Reporter
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MSNBC contributor Cynthia Alksne attacked Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh for his opening statement in front of the Senate Judiciary Committee on Thursday afternoon.


“Well, I thought it was a temper tantrum. He wants to be on the Supreme Court, and he’s not going to be. And he has, in fact, it has been human carnage,” she said. “He has been humiliated, and he’s angry and you get the feel that, you have a feeling for what he’s like when he is, as his roommate from Yale described him, when he drank that he could be an angry and belligerent drunk.”

“He didn’t seem drunk. I’m not indicating that, but he was angry and belligerent and it was kind of scary. And you’ve got a side of him that you didn’t expect to see,” Alksne continued. “Moreover, you don’t expect to hear from a federal judge conspiracy theories about the Clintons and this is all about Tr — you don’t expect to hear that and it was so partisan it’s hard for me to believe you can then rule on cases with that kind of partisanship. It’s just not what we expect.”

“That’s not the temperament of a federal judge,” she concluded.

During his opening statement, Kavanaugh called the whole confirmation process a “national disgrace.”

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