
NFL Anthem Protestor Tries To Find Alternatives To Kneeling. Here’s What He’s Thinking

(Photo by Brian Bahr/Getty Images)

Jena Greene Reporter
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Former Kaepernick teammate Eric Reid has some new ideas on how he wants to share his views going forward.

Reid, who made his debut as a Carolina Panthers safety this weekend, was one of the first players to protest the national anthem with Colin Kaepernick during his time on the 49ers. (RELATED: NFL PLAYER WEARS SHOCKING PRO-KAEPERNICK SHIRT TO PRESS CONFERENCE [PHOTO])

Reid spoke to a media gathering today and revealed that he’s considering alternative protest methods this season.

“I said that I would be considering other ways (to protest). And I’m still considering,” he said, adding, “I’ve talked to a couple people about it and as I said, I’m still evaluating the scope of our country, and I’ll make that decision later.”

This all stems from comments Reid made earlier this year in March, where he said he was “going to consider different ways to be active, different ways to bring awareness to the issues of this country and improve on the issues happening in this country.”

Reid filed a lawsuit against the NFL earlier this year, claiming the league colluded to blackball players who protested the anthem.

No word on how that case is going, now that he’s signed a $1.39 million contract with the Panthers.

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