
Bulletproof Kevlar Backpacks To Hit Shelves In U.S., Built To Withstand Handgun Attacks

ArmorMe website media download link

Matt M. Miller Contributor
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A Kevlar-plated bulletproof backpack will hit shelves in the U.S. in February, potentially offering students a practical defensive option for school shooter scenarios. The product will be released by an Israeli company that is linked to the country’s military called ArmorMe, which claims that the product is tested and approved by “Israeli security and military experts”.

“We designed this bag for every student and have given them one or two panels of Kevlar to provide safety,” security specialist and Israeli Defense Forces Colonel Dr. Gabi Siboni stated in a press release, according to The Washington Free Beacon. “The packs are designed with safety in mind and for the most common attack scenarios.” (RELATED: Washington Teen Turned In By Grandma Pleads Guilty For Plotting School Shooting)

ArmorMe Kevlar Backpack ArmorMe website media download link

[ArmorMe Kevlar Backpack]

According to the company’s website, a single Kevlar backpack goes for $174.99, while a double Kevlar version of the backpack goes for $229.99. The product description from the site reads:

Cleverly hiding a wall of solid Kevlar and field-tested by Israeli security and military experts, the ArmorMe backpack offers the peace-of-mind you’ve been waiting for. Sure, it looks and feels like a regular eco-friendly canvas backpack – so your child will fit right in with his or her friends – but inside, it’s reinforced with a bullet-resistant material that can help protect your child in the case of a violent incident.

ArmorMe Kevlar Backpack ArmorMe website media download link

[ArmorMe Kevlar Backpack]

While ArmorMe claims the product is effective against light weapons and handguns, they note that the Kevlar in the backpack is not sufficient for defense against heavier firepower. However, the company states that even in an encounter against heavier ammunition, use of the backpack will “significantly increase survival odds.” (RELATED: Armed School Resource Officer Engages Maryland High School Shooter)