
Trump ‘Is Not A Racist’: The Mooch Claps Back At Old Friend Michael Cohen

Virginia Kruta Associate Editor
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One-time White House Communications Director Anthony Scaramucci fired back at his old friend, former Trump attorney Michael Cohen, saying that he could cite “hundreds of examples” that prove President Donald Trump is not a racist.

Scaramucci, appearing on “Fox & Friends” Sunday morning, also said that he was “not in love” with Cohen’s approach during the recent hearings. (RELATED: Trump, Pointing To Book Deal, Says Cohen Perjured Himself)


Cohen, who was already convicted of lying to Congress and will be going to jail for doing so in the coming months, testified before Congress over several days and made a direct statement claiming that Trump was a “racist.”

Scaramucci appeared to be of the opinion that Cohen was simply attacking the president because he felt like Trump had “dropped him like a hot potato.”

I’m not in love with the approach because at the end of the day, you know, we have to be — hold sacred a couple things. The neighborhood I grew up in you can’t do what Michael is doing right now … I would never agree with it, I would never tell my kids to do it, Michael might be mad at me for saying it but I just don’t like the approach of going after somebody who helped build you. And you spent 12 years with.

Scaramucci then went on to address Cohen’s claim that Trump is a racist, pointing out just one of “a hundred examples” of the contrary.

The president’s not a racist. People forget this but he got the Rosa Parks Medal for helping to get the New York Stock Exchange to close during the Martin Luther King Jr. birthday. If you guys remember, I’m on Wall Street for 30 years. Ronald Reagan signed the Martin Luther King Act for the national holiday, and the New York Stock Exchange stayed open for many years. It was Donald Trump and Sandy Weill and Reverend Jesse Jackson that lobbied and pushed the Stock Exchange to close to recognize that holiday.

Scaramucci went on to say that he could give “hundreds of examples” that would further illustrate his point — and noted that even Cohen had introduced Trump at a Cleveland rally to that effect.

“By the way, Michael gave a speech with Darrell Scott and others in Cleveland introducing then-candidate Donald Trump, expressing all the things that he has done where he doesn’t really think about race,” he added. “So, to me, I don’t like it. I think it’s, you know, and I would tell my kids — I’ve got five of them — you can’t do that.”

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