
Woman Grabs Baseball Bat During Wild Brawl, Immediately Gets It Taken Away

Viral Baseball Bat Fight (Credit: Screenshot/Twitter Video https://twitter.com/bitchesbfightin/status/1136002487368990720/video/1)

David Hookstead Sports And Entertainment Editor
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A bunch of people went viral on Twitter in a recent video, and it wasn’t for a good reason.

Twitter user @bitchesbfightin posted a video of one of the trashiest brawls I’ve ever seen, and at one point some lady thought grabbing a baseball bat was a smart idea. (SLIDESHOW: These Women On Instagram Hate Wearing Clothes)

Now, you’re probably thinking if you’re going to bring a baseball bat to a fight, then you’re probably going to use it. Not this clown. She had it virtually immediately snapped out of her hands as she was smoking a cigarette! Then all hell broke loose. (SLIDESHOW: 142 Times Josephine Skriver Barely Wore Anything)

Watch the insane video below.

There’s so much to break down here that I don’t even know where to begin. Number one, as I already stated, I’m not sure this fight could have gotten any trashier. If you asked me to close my eyes and imagine the trashiest fight possible, this is what I would have envisioned. The wild part is they appear to be in a nice neighborhood. Didn’t see that coming! (SLIDESHOW: 71 Times Samantha Hoopes Stripped Down)

Secondly, if you’re going to bring a weapon to a fight, you can’t have it stolen from you in a matter of seconds. You just can’t. Can’t let that happen. (SLIDESHOW: This Blonde Bombshell Might Be The Hottest Model On The Internet)

It’s about the most embarrassing outcome imaginable. That woman thought she was a real badass and was disarmed in the blink of an eye. Maybe she’d have a little more security on the bat if she wasn’t smoking on a cig with one hand. (SLIDESHOW: 60 Times Abigail Ratchford Wore Almost Nothing)

As they say in football, ball security is job security. If you can’t hold onto what’s important, then you’re fixing to get lit up.

Finally, all these idiots should consider themselves lucky they didn’t get shot. There are plenty of people in this country who wouldn’t have hesitated to draw down in a situation like the one above, especially once somebody grabs a baseball bat!

Everybody is so incredibly stupid that it’s honestly an embarrassment to the country.

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