Quote of the Day:
“When did it become a compliment to refer to women as ‘badasses?'”
— Mark Knoller, CBS News White House correspondent.
(RELATED: U.S. Women’s Soccer Wins World Cup)
Journo smells (and kicks) a rat
“Finished writing. Took a walk. On a busy avenue, a rat ran onto my foot, then stopped there. I freaked and sort of kicked it…directly toward five people who were walking toward me. It seemed to hit them all. They did not murder me. This tweet is to thank them. The rat is fine.” — Mark Harris, author, journalist, Vulture.
Mood: Sanctimonious.
The Advisers (to whom I’m not sure)
Noah Rothman, Commentary: “Those who have been calling everything they didn’t like over the last two years a constitutional crisis should have kept their powder dry. This may be the all-hands-on-deck moment, and hyperbole fatigue will dampen the urgency.”
Jason Linkins, ThinkProgress: “Want to remind readers that in this particular trope, the ‘fatigue’ is felt by people in the media who then use their platforms to project it onto the public.”
Female scribes dump on that Mississippi lawmaker
Mississippi Today: Republican gubernatorial candidate Rep. Robert Foster denied @thisislarrison, a woman reporter for Mississippi Today, access to a campaign trip ride along. Foster’s campaign director told her she would need to be accompanied by a male colleague.
Rep. Robert Foster: “Before our decision to run, my wife and I made a commitment to follow the ‘Billy Graham Rule’, which is to avoid any situation that may evoke suspicion or compromise of our marriage. I am sorry Ms. Campbell doesn’t share these views, but my decision was out of respect of my wife.”
Foster blamed the reaction on the left: “As I anticipated, the liberal left lost their minds over the fact I choose not to be alone with another woman. They can’t believe, that even in 2019, someone still values their relationship with their wife and upholds their Christian Faith.”
Mara Quint, Onion Contributor: “@RobertFoster4MS So, like, how many times did your wife catch you fucking other women? More than once, I guess. Probably best to stay out of the public eye, just a thought, I mean, for the good of your marriage of course.”
“If you can’t be alone with a woman, you’re entitled to your lousy private interpretation of your faith, but don’t run for public office — you’re incapable of doing the job.” — Meredith Haggerty, deputy editor, Vox‘s “The Goods,” an explainer (of course) on what we buy and why.
Tomi Lahren has become the Internet’s punching bag
“Playing soccer makes you an athlete and that’s fantastic but it doesn’t make you a hero.” — Tomi Lahren, Fox Nation host.
“And bottled peroxide doesn’t make you a blonde but here we are. #Sheesh. You’re insufferable.
Google the definition. I know more than two syllables kicks your ass.” — Yvette Nicole Brown.
Trump at 7:30 a.m.
“A big subject today at the White House Social Media Summit will be the tremendous dishonesty, bias, discrimination and suppression practiced by certain companies. We will not let them get away with it much longer. The Fake News Media will also be there, but for a limited period.” — President Trump.
Journo says Pence calling his wife ‘Mother’ is totally normal
“May I impart something, as a Midwesterner? In times past, certainly, it was common for husbands to call wives ‘Mother.’ And wives called husbands ‘Father.’ Mike Pence does not think his wife is his mother, for heaven’s sake. It’s that she is A mother, of their children. See? Thx!Further on this “Mother” business: Reagan always called Nancy, his wife, “Mommy.” (He was from Illinois, remember.) Comedians flayed him for it. Also, when a lot of us wanted to do a Reagan imitation, we’d say, ‘Well … Mommy …’ (Those were two words associated with Reagan.) Frankly, the GOP may have hit political gold: Trump a hedonist and Pence a square. A balanced ticket for America?” — Jay Nordinger, National Review.
“This morning my therapist told me I needed to be more proud of my own accomplishments and give greater weight to my own expertise lest I let myself be defined by my father’s career. And I was like ‘lol dude that ship has sailed.'” — Ben Dreyfuss, editorial director, Mother Jones.
Evergreen Tweet
“Twitter is great because a man I’m friends with online named BONER HITLER just sent me an incredible fish recipe for my new smoker.” — Christine Teigen, model.
Gossip Roundup
Where’s the “forcible kiss” in this video of an ex-Trump aide who is sued him? Here.
A major news network has a gross pep rally for itself. And oh, there’s details. CBS — how could you? Here. (RELATED: Despite Reports Of Gayle King Devouring Her, Norah O’Donnell Lands At Top Of CBS Heap)
If you haven’t watched the Bagel Boss video, you must. Here.
“Should’ve shouted ‘I AM THE BAGEL BOSS’ while tackling the guy.” — Josh Barro, New York Mag.
“You’re Not God or My Father or My Boss: Negative Theology in Early 21st Century America.” — Matthew Zeitlin, reporter, has written for BuzzFeed, Slate, Medium.
Amal Clooney, that badass wife of George Clooney, sticks up for media and takes a swing at Trump. Here.