“I am trying to give a pretty clear signal I have made up my mind. I’m not trying to pretend to be a fair juror here,” Graham told CNN, calling the attempt to impeach President Donald Trump “partisan nonsense” and guessing that it would be over by mid-January. Trump has mused about a
longer trial in the Senate and calling several witnesses but has said he will abide by what the Republican leadership in the Senate.
“Personally I think President Trump will come out of this stronger and the good news is that everybody in politics in America needs to prove to the American public we’re not all completely crazy. So there may be a spirit of compromise coming post-impeachment, born of political necessity, if anything else,” Graham said.
(RELATED: Lindsey Graham: Impeachment Is ‘Dead On Arrival’ If Senate Doesn’t Talk To Whistleblower) Graham told CNN that he just wants impeachment to be extinguished “for the good of the country.”
The senator noted that the president’s opponents have another chance to register their disapproval of him: the 2020 presidential election.
“If you don’t like President Trump, you can vote against him in less than a year. It’s not like a politician is unaccountable if you don’t impeach them. So I think impeachment is going to end quickly in the Senate. I would prefer it to end as quickly as possible,” Graham said.