Military Investigating Cadets Who Used Alleged ‘White Power’ Symbol During Army-Navy Game

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Accusations that a “white power” hand gesture was by used by cadets during the Army-Navy football game on Saturday has prompted the military to look into the matter. 

During the rivalry football game between the Army and Navy teams on Saturday, West Point cadets were seen making hand signs that some have alleged are a white supremacist symbol. The hand sign is the symbol commonly used to mean “okay.” 

Lt. Col. Chris Ophardt told the Washington Post in an email that “West Point is looking into the matter” and that “at this time, we do not know the intent of the cadets.”

The Anti Defamation League has added the hand sign to their hate symbols database, saying that although the “okay” sign was promoted as a white supremacist hand gesture by members of 4chan in 2017, “some white supremacists themselves soon also participated in such trolling tactics.”

The ADL added that “the overwhelming usage of the ‘okay’ hand gesture today is still its traditional purpose,” adding that “many people have been falsely accused of being racist or white supremacist” for using the sign in an innocuous manner. (RELATED: NASCAR Stars Say No Disrespect For Obama)

Regardless, controversy erupted after the symbol was seen on television, with many claiming that the symbol had racist implications.  



Many pushed back on the assumption that the symbol was used as a white supremacist gesture and argued that the outrage was baseless.


Some Twitter users also pointed out that the hand gesture could have been used as part of a game called the “circle game” where someone holds a circle below their waist trying to get others to look at it. If someone looks at it they get a punch on the shoulder.