
NYT Writer Nikole Hannah-Jones Owns Up To Writing Racist Screed In 1995, Refuses To Apologize

(CNN.com screengrab)

William Davis Contributor
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New York Times writer Nikole Hannah-Jones admitted Wednesday that she wrote a screed referring to the “white race” as “barbaric devils” and “bloodsuckers.”

Hannah-Jones said that she wrote the letter to Notre Dame’s The Observer when she was 19, in response to a letter, which described Native American culture as “merciless and savage.” (RELATED: New York Times Writer Claims Property Destruction Is ‘Not Violence’)

“The letter to the editor I wrote when I was NINETEEN btw was in response to this screed written agst my Indigenous friends who were protesting a Columbus mural,” Hannah-Jones tweeted.

Hannah-Jones wrote that “the white race is the biggest murderer, rapist, pillager, and thief of the modern world.” in a 1995 letter that was originally obtained by The Federalist. Hannah-Jones also compared Christopher Columbus to Adolf Hitler, and claimed the “white race used deceit and trickery, warfare and rape” to steal land. (RELATED: NYT 1619 Project Lead Reporter Pushes Conspiracy Theory, Appears To Delete And Reactivate Her Twitter Account)

Hannah-Jones is the lead author of the New York Times’ 1619 project, and has defended violence and looting that occurred during protests in the wake of George Floyd’s death.

“And so when we think about someone taking an act to take something from some big box name store, it is symbolic,” she said of the looting. “That one pair of shoes that you’ve stolen from Foot Locker is not going to change your life. But it is a symbolic taking.”

Hannah-Jones was awarded a Pulitzer Prize for her role in the 1619 Project, which claims that America’s “true founding” occurred in 1619, when the first slaves reached North America. The project has been criticized by historians and civil rights activists, who have argued that the project promotes a revisionist history of America’s founding.

Hannah-Jones did not immediately respond to the Daily Caller’s request for comment.