Alleged Kenosha Shooter Told The Daily Caller He Was There To ‘Help People,’ Protect Property Before Shooting

Twitter via @RichieMcGinniss)

Phillip Nieto Contributor
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The alleged Kenosha shooter told the Daily Caller during an interview before the shooting Tuesday night that he was there to “help people” and protect property from rioters.

Two people were shot dead Tuesday night in Kenosha, Wisconsin. The alleged shooter, Kyle Rittenhouse, was arrested and charged with first-degree murder, according to CBS News. Prior to the shooting, the Daily Caller reporter Richie McGinniss had an opportunity to interview the 17-year-old Rittenhouse and ask him why he was armed in front of a burnt business in Kenosha. (RELATED: Alleged Kenosha Shooter Charged With First-Degree Murder)

“So people are getting injured, and our job is to protect this business, and apart of my job is to also help people,” Rittenhouse told McGinniss. “If there’s somebody hurt, I’m running into harm’s way. That’s why I have my rifle because I need to protect myself, obviously. But I also have my med kit.”


After the interview, gunfire rang out, according to video captured via social media.

One video appears to show a male in a green shirt with a rifle standing over a fallen man who had just been shot in the head. The male can be seen running away from the scene. McGinniss is seen taking the shirt off his back to assist the man shot in the head. (RELATED: Daily Caller Reporter Richie McGinniss Rushes To Save Life Of Man Who Was Shot In Head During Kenosha, Wisconsin, Riots)

Another video captured moments later appears to show the alleged shooter running way while being chased by a group of people. The shooter fell to the ground as an individual attempted to tackle him, resulting in multiple shots being fired. The shooter then got up and walked over to the police with his hands up.

The riots in Kenosha began Sunday night after police officers shot Jacob Blake multiple as he reached into his car. Blake is now believed to be paralyzed from the waist down but alive, according to the man’s father.