
Barrett Says Judges Can’t ‘Walk In Like A Royal Queen And Impose Their Will’

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Mary Margaret Olohan Social Issues Reporter
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Supreme Court nominee Amy Coney Barrett said Tuesday that justices cannot “walk in like a royal queen and impose their will.”

The Supreme Court nominee spoke Tuesday morning on Capitol Hill as questioning began during her second day of confirmation hearings. Chairman of the Senate Committee Lindsey Graham asked Barrett whether the Supreme Court could revisit the Second Amendment case District of Columbia v. Heller.

“If someone challenged Heller below, because a state or local government passed a law contradicting Heller, the Supreme Court would have to take that case, once it was appealed, all the way up,” Barrett responded. “So, the court would have to decide, yes, we want to overrule and we have enough votes to grant cert and then do so.”

Graham asked Barrett, a judge in the 7th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals, if this process is “true no matter what the issue is,” whether the issue be guns, abortion, health care, or campaign-finance.

“Judges can’t just wake up one day and say, ‘I have an agenda, I like guns, I hate guns, I like abortion, I hate abortion,’ and walk in like a royal queen and impose their will on the world,” Barrett said. (RELATED: Hawley, Sasse Unleash On Harris, Democrats, Media For Treatment Of Barrett)

“You have to wait for cases and controversies, which is the language of the Constitution, to wind their way through the process,” she continued.


Some media figures and Democrats have suggested that Barrett’s strong Catholic faith and personal beliefs on abortion make her unfit to serve on the Supreme Court.

Democratic California Sen. Dianne Feinstein told Barrett at her 2017 confirmation hearings, “The dogma lives loudly within you, and that’s of concern.”

Media also previously falsely linked People of Praise’s use of the word “handmaid” to the dystopian novel and show, “The Handmaid’s Tale,” before issuing corrections and retractions noting that there is no established link between People of Praise and novelist Margaret Atwood’s “The Handmaid’s Tale.”

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