
Nigel Hayes Pays Off His Parents’ Mortgage In Incredibly Heartwarming Video

Nigel Hayes (Credit: Screenshot/Twitter Video https://twitter.com/TALAYADAVIS/status/1378000689444618240)

David Hookstead Sports And Entertainment Editor
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Former Wisconsin basketball star Nigel Hayes paid off his parents’ mortgage, and the video will warm your heart.

In a video tweeted by his mother Talaya Davis, her and his stepfather Albert Davis read a letter from the Zalgiris Kaunas forward informing them that the mortgage had been taken care of for them. (RELATED: David Hookstead Is The True King In The North When It Comes To College Football)

Watch the incredibly touching moment below.

I don’t care who you cheer for in sports, this video is awesome. Whether you’re a Wisconsin fan or not, this is just an awesome moment.

I also love his mother saying she’s going to “beat his ass” for paying off her mortgage. That woman has a lot of pride and she clearly raised one hell of a great son.

You can read the full letter from Nigel to his parents below.

With all the nonsense we have to deal with in this world, it sure is nice to see something great happen. Nigel Hayes paying off his parents’ mortgage is a great reminder of how much awesomeness is left in the world.

Props to Nigel Hayes for being the man!