
Jake Tapper Claims ‘Election Liars’ Are Not Welcome On His Show. Emails Tell A Different Story

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CNN host Jake Tapper reportedly said he would not allow Republicans who pushed the idea that the 2020 election was fraudulent on his show, but emails reveal that CNN invited both Missouri Sen. Josh Hawley and New York Rep. Elise Stefanik on Tapper’s show multiple times.

Politico reported Friday morning that Tapper said he would not invite certain Republicans as guests. “It’s not a policy, but it’s a philosophy where I just don’t want to deal with it,” Tapper reportedly said on The New York Times podcast “Sway,” hosted by Kara Swisher. “I mean, there’s about a third of the House Republican caucus that I am willing to book. I could name them to you if you want.” (RELATED: ‘People Who Want The Lies … Go To A Different Channel’: Jake Tapper Defends CNN, Takes Veiled Shot At Fox News)

Hawley’s press secretary, Abigail Marone, said on Twitter that Tapper’s show “State of the Union” invited the senator 18 times since January 6. She posted screenshots of several emails that appeared to show CNN bookers inviting Hawley, despite the fact that he objected to the certification of the 2020 election results.

Stefanik, who claimed that there was voter fraud in the 2020 election, also posted screenshots of several emails from CNN inviting her on “State of the Union.”

However, Swisher claimed that Tapper’s comments about Republicans were taken out of context and that he “might be” willing to host lawmakers who claimed the election was stolen. (RELATED: ‘Made Up, Convoluted Crap’: Jake Tapper Says For Republicans, Telling The Truth Is ‘Hazardous To Your Political Health’)

“Now if they came to me and said that they wanted to, I don’t think any of them, Scalise or McCarthy or Stefanik have faced a tough interview at all about it,” Tapper said, according to Swisher’s podcast transcript. “So I might be willing to interview one of them to talk about this, to talk about their election lies and what they’re doing. But I’m not asking for the interview and they’re not eager to do it, no.”

Tapper responded to Marone’s tweet and said that he “would have said no” if his bookers had told him Hawley was an option.

“I mean give her credit, I didn’t even mention Hawley but he’s one of most notorious election Liars, some GOP senators hold him responsible for the insurrection,” he added. “So she knows who she works for!!!”

“I can’t account for every email from my excellent bookers whose job it is to present me with as many options as possible,” the CNN host said in response to Stefanik’s tweet. “I have just refused to allow any of the Liars, such as Rep Stefanik, on air. Kind of stunning to see her proudly identify as a conspiracy theorist.”

When reached for comment, CNN pointed to the tweets from Tapper and Swisher.