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Dezmen Horne and Isabella Garofanelli Share 5 Benefits of Treating Your Failures as Learning Blocks

DN News Desk Contributor
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Failures can be demoralizing and cause you to feel too defeated to continue on your path to success. For this reason, many people consider failures as the end to their dreams. However, it is possible to let your failures act as learning blocks that can teach you valuable lessons to succeed in the future. Here, YouTube star and comedian Dezmen Horne joins hands with celebrity content creator and luxury travel expert Isabella Garofanelli to share five benefits of viewing your failures as learning opportunities.

  1. It can make you fearless.

Isabella Garofanelli shares that failures can help take the fear out of challenging tasks. She says, “When you pick yourself up after a setback and try again, you can be reassured that now you know what failure feels like and how to overcome it.” Dezmen Horne agrees, adding, “Failure helps you grow, and growth is essential to achieve success.”

  1. It will help you keep humble.

Dezmen Horne says, “Staying humble is incredibly important for attracting the right sort of opportunities and people, and experiencing setbacks is very humbling.” In agreement, Isabella Garofanelli adds, “Seeing a plan fall apart reminds you that things won’t always go your way, and that keeps you grounded.”

  1. It makes you grateful.

“Stepping back from a failure and seeing all of the wonderful things that you still have in your life makes you feel grateful for what you haven’t lost,” says Isabella Garofanelli. Dezmen Horne, who holds a similar view, adds to this by saying, “Even when you lose, you never lose everything. No matter how great the loss, you still have things to be grateful for.”


  1. It makes you wiser.

According to Isabella Garofanelli, each failure makes you wiser. She says, “You sometimes won’t realize the lessons you’ve learned from your failures until you find yourself teaching them to someone else.” Adding to this insight, Dezmen Horne says, “I believe that wisdom is expensive because you always have to pay a cost to gain it. But in my experience, it is always worth the price you pay.”

  1. It makes you ready for the unexpected.

“When failure came and knocked down your plans, it was likely unexpected; yet, surviving the unexpected can make you feel ready for anything,” explains Dezmen Horne. “Moreover, experiencing failure takes you out of your comfort zone, keeping you focused and on your toes in the future,” adds Isabella Garofanelli.

It’s easy to live your life in fear of failure and try to avoid it at all costs. But according to Dezmen Horne and Isabella Garofanelli, failure has many unexpected benefits and lessons to teach.

Members of the editorial and news staff of the Daily Caller were not involved in the creation of this content.