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John Guaman, an Ace Online Entrepreneur, Trader, and Investor, Shares the Challenges He Faced to Achieve Excellence

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Some individuals in life have been fortunate enough to have received opportunities already before they could even venture out to do something, whereas the world mostly is filled with people who are not presented with the right opportunities but have to create new ones for themselves. This can be a gruelling process, where their patience could get tested, and they may feel they won’t be able to survive amidst so much competition. However, things get going once an individual decides for him/her to reach their definition of success anyhow. That’s what John Guaman did, and today, his success story is something that has the power and potential to instil more hope and positivity in others. He is a top affiliate for a well-known online trading and entrepreneur academy and today has become nothing less than an expert.

From knowing nothing about marketing and trading to hustling his way to the top, gaining much knowledge by studying everything possible to help himself learn about trading stocks, forex and crypto, he paved his own path and became an affiliate for the educational platform he is involved with today. This young man, who started his journey at 19 years, has come a long way and today, at 24 years, he already is an amazing online businessman who has a customer base of thousands. Talking about the challenges in his life, John Guaman says, “There are tons of challenges that I faced like losing relationships, friendships, time, and money and had family issues. I was so broke at a point in life that I even skipped meals, slept in cars or floors.“ However, the biggest challenges in life are meant to teach something to people and with determination and having the belief; people can overcome the same. He did exactly that, and today is a success story many other youngsters wish to become.

He also explains that people think that more money means their problems can be solved, which he thinks is untrue. “The more money you make, the even more challenges you get, except there are different challenges. The problems never stop or get better; you just become better.” John Guaman has already spoken in over 20 countries and has built a great portfolio in the crypto space as well with making 7 figures. Also, Life By Design Foundation is his own charity he is working upon.

To gain more insights, follow him on Instagram @johnbguaman.

Members of the editorial and news staff of the Daily Caller were not involved in the creation of this content.