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How to Work on the Go and Earn from Anywhere in the World: Jaiden Vu’s Expert Insights

DN News Desk Contributor
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It’s never been easier to work from anywhere in the world and on the go than it is now. Jaiden Vu explains that this is his dream scenario, and having achieved it is invaluable to him. Today, the world is set up in a way that you can make money from the comfort of your home or vacation spot with just a laptop or phone.

Jaiden Vu is a serial entrepreneur, investor, and e-commerce expert. He previously worked as a corporate chef who transitioned into entrepreneurship where he’d be able to spread his wings and achieve the financial freedom he longed for. Jaiden Vu is one of the founders of Launcher’s Academy, an e-commerce training platform. According to Jaiden, he always wanted the freedom of a lifestyle that enables him to earn on the go; however, he didn’t consider entrepreneurship the path he would take.

The need to be free and still facilitate his lifestyle pushed Jaiden to explore entrepreneurship and investing. And his pursuit eventually led him to the lifestyle he always dreamt of having. Today, he can work from anywhere in the world. Jaiden, however, notes that it is very easy to get distracted when you’re working remotely. Thus, he shares his insights on keeping your drive and productivity up even as you work on the go.

Jaiden and his co-founders Christy Liu and Melissa Ng stress the importance of planning your day and your work ahead of time. Start every day with your list of tasks you need to complete and assign time for each task. This will help you keep a balance between your work and personal life, states Christy; while Melissa believes that having a fixed schedule enables her to get more out of her day.

Another aspect Jaiden advises people to focus on is their passion. Find what you love to do the most so that you never lack the motivation to work. Even though he hadn’t considered starting a business initially, Jaiden has developed a passion for his work, and this helps keep him focused on his goals.

Finally, Jaiden emphasizes the importance of staying up-to-date. You need to be in the know at all times, and thanks to technology, you can. It is essential that you leverage the potential of social media for your remote working setup and keep up with trends. Jaiden says that working on the go doesn’t mean disconnecting from the rest of the world; you need to know what’s happening to make strategic moves.

Considering his experience and success in remote-working, Jaiden Vu’s advice is well worth taking into account.

Members of the editorial and news staff of the Daily Caller were not involved in the creation of this content.

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