Missouri AG Compares Using Fear To Force Vaccines To Dictators Maintaining Power

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Missouri Attorney General Eric Schmitt said that people who use fear to make people take the coronavirus vaccine are similar to tyrants and dictators trying to maintain power.

A reporter asked Schmitt what he thought of using “pressure” and “fear” of losing a job to encourage vaccination.

“If someone says that using fear is good, that is what every tyrant in the history of the world and every dictator in the history of the world has ever said to accumulate, aggregate and maintain power,” the attorney general responded.

Schmitt warned that politicians should not be allowed to gain the power to mandate vaccines and added that people can make their own medical decisions. (RELATED: Missouri AG Wants To Dismiss Charges Against St. Louis Couple Who Brandished Guns On Property During Protests)

“This is America. The freest country in the history of the world,” he said. “And I don’t think that we should be allowing individual politicians who want to grab power and never let go of it gain it in the first place. People can make their decisions. I believe in freedom. I believe in responsibility.”

“The people can make these very important decisions themselves and I don’t want to live in some futuristic, dystopian, biomedical security state,” Schmitt continued. “And I’m going to do everything I can as attorney general to protect the rights of individuals in the state.”

Some businesses have started mandating vaccines for employees, and California became the first state in the U.S. to mandate vaccinations or weekly COVID-19 tests for school employees beginning Oct. 15. White House chief medical adviser Dr. Anthony Fauci said full approval of the vaccine by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) would pave the way for more vaccine mandates.