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Jack Zuckowsky Is The Marketing Guru Taking Social Media By The Horns

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There are many different avenues which an entrepreneur can travel down to achieve their goals. While each entrepreneur has a different journey to success, accompanied with unique failures and learning success, each one has a common collection of traits. Determination, perseverance, and hard work are only a few of the characteristics possessed by a successful entrepreneur. For Jack Zuckowsky, the 22-year-old founder of Social Summit media agency, the most important of these is perseverance. “Staying hungry, ambitious, and nurturing long-term relationships has definitely helped me become more successful over the course of years,” Zuckowsky states.

At Social Summit, Jack Zuckowsky and his team are dedicated to organically increasing the social media presence of their clientele. With an in-depth knowledge in the social media landscape, he takes pride in his ability to help others achieve their social media goals. This pride comes from Zuckowsky’s ability to bring attention to his client’s accounts and put them in front of potential followers even though there are over a billion users on Instagram and over 500 million on TikTok. His abilities are shown in the success his clients are able to find both on and off of their social media accounts.

One of these clients is television actor Greg Kasyan. The LA based actor enlisted the help of Zuckowsky and Social Summit who were able to take his Instagram follower count to over 250,000. With increased traffic coming to his account, he was able to catch the eye of various talent scouts in Hollywood. This resulted in an increase of casting calls for Kasyan, and eventually, he landed a lead role on the Netflix original series “Daybreak.” Kasyan is just one of the many clients Social Summit has helped to find success.

Moving forward, Zuckowsky has set goals for himself that, when achieved, will make him a true force in the world of social media marketing. “In the next five years,” Zuckowsky says, “I see myself collaborating with top influencers to scale my business even further.” In his eyes, many hopeful influencers that don’t find success just need a push in the right direction. With the right amount of motivation, Zuckowsky believes he can help these influencers become so much more than what they have already become. “These same people have so much potential to be successful,” Zuckowsky shares, “but instead, they are satisfied with what they’ve done, and buy materialistic things instead of reinvesting into themselves.”

Reinvestment in one’s self is a common theme for Zuckowsky. One major key to success for the 22-year-old entrepreneur is delaying gratification. For him, this means that rather than buying material things upon finding success, Zuckowsky finds ways to turn that monetary success in to ways to educate himself. Finding ways to learn in stride, both during periods of success and periods of failure, is another common theme among successful entrepreneurs.

On top of the pride he has in the work he has done for his clients, Zuckowsky finds more pride in his role as a mentor for the next generation for entrepreneurs. In a world that is focusing more and more on what social media can do for us, Jack Zuckowsky is showing people that there are things we can do for social media as well.

Learn more about social media mogul Jack Zuckowsky by following him on Instagram – @jzuckowsky

Members of the editorial and news staff of the Daily Caller were not involved in the creation of this content.