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A Candid Conversation with Certified Personal Trainer and Massage Therapist, Youssef Amir

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Physical activity is the number one step to achieving a healthy body. Not only does regular exercise improve your general health, but it boosts your self-esteem and self-confidence.

With the buzz around the fitness transformation movement, more people now realize the need for exercise and are adopting a healthy lifestyle. However, the problem arises when it comes to commitment, as many tend to give up halfway. According to Youssef Amir, a cause for this trend is mainly because most people are using the “one-size-fits-all” approach to exercise. What works for you may not work for another, and as a result, you end up frustrated and disappointed. The many fad diets and fad workouts have also contributed to failure.

Youssef Amir is a certified personal trainer and massage therapist. A member of the American Council on Exercise, Youssef is also the brains behind Udefy, a health and fitness company. Together with his team at Udefy, they help athletes mitigate injury, manage pain, and improve athletic performance. In addition, they help you attain the best version of yourself through their customized training and nutritional programs.

Even though Youssef is a young and enthusiastic fitness influencer and trainer, he notes that his lifestyle was more sedentary some years ago. He recalls his grandfather often hounding him about his poor posture; he always sat in a slouched position. Not knowing the effects this would have on his health, to please his grandfather, he stood up tall when around him.

Everyone is born to be asymmetrical both neurologically and anatomically, says Youssef. However, when those asymmetries become too excessive, it becomes hard to return to balance. Although it took some time for the effects of his inactive lifestyle to sink in, realizing the possible risks he was exposing his body to, he enrolled at a gym and hired a personal trainer.

Youssef’s first trainer opened his eyes to the parallels of fitness and life. Not only did he improve his health, but he came to realize how eating right and regular exercise caused other aspects of his life to also improve. Inspired to share his knowledge with others, he became interested in the human body, biomechanics, and human physiology. Still hungry to know more about the human body, he is currently studying Kinesiology so as to serve others better.

Having been in the industry for almost ten years, Youssef says a common mistake most people make is being inconsistent and failing to focus on form. It is essential to ask yourself if you are doing what’s right or easy, notes Youssef. People tend to opt for the easy way out, rush through the exercise, and as a result, fail to focus on the movement, which is the most crucial part of the exercise. Discuss both long-term and short-term goals with your trainer. Youssef says you need to analyze exercises to help you achieve your intended goal.

It is never too late to get started, says Youssef; body fitness and a healthy lifestyle is a long-term journey. While the results are rewarding, having a strict routine and being committed can be challenging. However, with a personal trainer walking with you every step of the way, one rarely feels alone, making the journey more fun and interesting.

Members of the editorial and news staff of the Daily Caller were not involved in the creation of this content.

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