
‘We Would Like Him To Step Down’: Biden Reportedly Faces Hundreds Of Protesters During Visit To Michigan

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Brianna Lyman News and Commentary Writer
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Protesters greeted President Joe Biden Tuesday in Michigan with an array of signage and chants, with one local pro-Trump resident saying he wants Biden “to step down.”

Livingston County resident Philip Ludwig told The Detroit News he supports former President Donald Trump and is unhappy with the way Biden is governing.

“We’re going to support Trump still until he’s put back in,” Ludwig reportedly said while sitting along Michigan 59 in Howell. “So we just want Biden to know we’re not happy with his spending. We’re not happy with the way our country’s going and the job he’s performing. And we would like him to step down.”

Several protesters took to the street waiting for Biden’s arrival, with signs reading “Fuck Joe Biden” and “Stop the Spending,” according to videos posted to social media.

Biden, who has been the subject of several “Fuck Joe Biden” chants throughout the football season, responded to the protesters Tuesday, noting he’s actually popular among voters despite the less-than friendly welcome he received in Howell.

“Notwithstanding some of the signs I saw, that’s why 81 million Americans voted for me,” Biden said.

Biden was visiting the area to rally support for his infrastructure bill and other “Build Back Better” promises. Biden said his proposals were needed to improve “economic competition” amongst other countries, according to The Detroit News. (RELATED: Pelosi Punts: Infrastructure Vote Pushed To The End Of October)

Trump won 60% of the vote in Livingston County during the 2020 election, according to The Detroit News.