
‘So Bad For Our Country’: Trump Slams Biden’s SOTU Speech

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Brianna Lyman News and Commentary Writer
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Former President Donald Trump slammed President Joe Biden’s State of the Union speech Wednesday while speaking on “Mornings with Maria.”

When asked about his take on Biden’s Tuesday night speech, Trump said he thought it “was terrible.”

“I thought it was terrible because he didn’t talk inflation, he didn’t have any ideas for inflation, and most importantly, he didn’t talk about energy with oil, and what’s happened,” Trump said. “We were energy independent one year ago. We were exporting energy for the first time ever in the history of our country. We were going to double the size this year. We’d be double the size of Saudi Arabia and Russia combined. We would have, number one, the event in Ukraine would have never happened if I were president. It would have never happened. There was no way it was happening.”

Trump said had the Ukraine crisis happened while he was in office, the U.S. would’ve been exporting oil to other nations which would then prevent Russia from making a “fortune” from oil sales and would have acted as a deterrent for Russian President Vladimir Putin.


Trump then said that inflation is only getting worse due to the oil crisis, criticizing Biden for reducing U.S. energy independence.

“We have the worst situation in oil that we’ve ever had, and this is what is causing inflation,” he said. “You know, if you want to knock inflation, or at least take a big chunk out of it, what you do is lower the hell out of your oil prices, and we could do that but its going to take a while to start it up.”

“I mean the problem is with this gentleman, he really destroyed it, and it is going to take a while to do it. We would have been selling to everybody in Europe. We were hitting it, home run after home run after home run, and then it was just ended stupidly,” he added.

“What he said was just so bad for our country,” Trump said. “He didn’t talk about oil prices, he didn’t talk about inflation.”

Upon taking office, Biden imposed a moratorium on natural gas drilling on federal lands and ended the Keystone XL pipeline which would have transported Canadian oil to Gulf Coast refineries. (RELATED: Biden’s Energy Secretary Fails To Answer Question About Oil Industry)

Biden announced Tuesday the U.S. would release 30 million barrels of oil as all 31 members of the International Energy Agency agreed to release a total of 60 million barrels of crude. The move comes as inflation is driven up higher, in part due to rising oil costs, and as Russia — the world’s third largest producer of oil — continues to invade Ukraine. Several nations have sanctioned Russia, though concerns about the cost of oil have yet to be alleviated by the sanctions.

Trump also said he expects China to invade Taiwan because China sees “how stupid the United States is run.”

“They’re seeing that our leaders are incompetent. And, of course, they’re going to do this, this is their time,” Trump said.

“President Xi happens to be a man with high intelligence levels, and he looks at what happened with Afghanistan the way we pulled out,” he added. “He saw the way that we left Afghanistan, like a surrender, and left $85 billion and death behind, and left American citizens there that are still trying to get out. And he sees that, and this is his opportunity to do what he wants to do.”

Biden sent a team of former senior defense and security officials Monday to Taiwan amid heightened tensions following China’s reluctance to outright condemn Russia’s invasion into Ukraine.