
Utah School District Gives Parents The Option To Identify Their Children As Transgender Or Non-Binary

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Reagan Reese Contributor
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Parents in a Utah school district are being given the option to choose if their elementary-school-aged children are transgender or non-binary when registering their students for school, according to a screenshot obtained by the Daily Caller News Foundation.

Parents in the Nebo School District in Spanish Fork, Utah, are using the online platform Infinite Canvas to register their children for the upcoming 2022-2023 school year, according to a screenshot obtained by the DCNF. The registration form is giving parents the option to identify their children as transgender or non-binary.

The school district is under-performing compared to the rest of the state, posting a 43% proficiency rate in math and a 44% proficiency rate in reading and language, according to Public School Review. About 82% of the students in the school district are white.

The registration form first came to attention in a Stop Critical Race Theory Facebook group, where Executive Director of Californians for Equal Rights Foundation Wenyuan Wu found it, she told the DCNF.

“This is a generic registration form, but it doesn’t change the fact that still parents of rising first graders have to sign that form and have to fill out the form,” Wu told the DCNF. “That’s still problematic and coming from Utah, a traditionally conservative area, makes the case more bizarre or more intriguing.”

In 2021, Republican Utah Governor Spencer Cox signed the “Utah Compact On Racial Equity, Diversity And Inclusion” into law which calls for “bold anti-racist actions and policies right now” to end racism. Cox then vetoed a bill in March 2022 that would ban biological men from participating in women’s sports. (RELATED: BYU Could Lose Accreditation Over Transgender Issue)

“I moved here a year ago from Seattle, thinking that this would be our safe spot. We are a biracial family and I thought, here we can just be ourselves. Nobody’s going to push any of this woke stuff on us,” Cari Bartholomew, Critical Race Theory Advisor and Chapter Leader for Nebo Parents United told the DCNF.

Nebo Parents United is a chapter of Utah Parents United, a non-profit organization that works to “educate and empower parents to advocate for their children,” according to their website.

“I have kids who will tell me at the grocery store, who will say ‘we’re ready to stand. We don’t understand why our parents aren’t,'” Bartholomew told the DCNF. “Everybody’s afraid, everybody’s afraid they’re gonna lose their job as a result because they could be considered hateful. ‘Oh my gosh, you’re the worst of all that they could ever be considered a conservative who voted for Trump.’ So because of that, you’re silenced. It’s borderline creepy.”

Nebo School District did not immediately respond to the DCNF’s request for comment.

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