Video Shows Man Stomp On Older Woman’s Head And Rob Her While She’s Unconscious

[Screenshot Youtube Philadelphia Police Department]

Brianna Lyman News and Commentary Writer
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Disturbing video footage shows a man stomping on a woman’s head and robbing her after following her out of a store.

The incident unfolded Nov. 7 at around 8:30 p.m., when the unidentified suspect walked into the Morris Market in Philadelphia and stalked several victims. As one of the shoppers walked out of the store, the suspect immediately put on a mask and followed the woman, video footage released by the Philadelphia Police Department shows.

In the video, the suspect exits the store and “attacks and disorients victim #1.” The suspect then lunges at the second victim, who appears to be trying to get into a car. The suspect throws her down to the ground and grabs her by the neck as she attempts to twist free. He then violently stomps on the woman’s head, knocking her unconscious, and robs her as she lies motionless on the sidewalk.

The suspect then turned his attention to a second victim, who he punched, kicked and robbed. (RELATED: ‘It’s Exhausting’: Philadelphia Reports 20 People Shot, 4 Killed In Deadly Weekend)

Police are asking anyone with information to call authorities but not to approach the suspect.

The incident came just weeks before Philadelphia District Attorney Larry Krasner was impeached Wednesday by the state’s Republican-led House of Representatives amid a dramatic rise in crime.