The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has been urging teachers to measure “LGBTQ inclusivity” in their classrooms with a “self-assessment” since Oct. 2020, according to a Tuesday tweet from the center.
According to a handbook put out by the center, the tools are “a way to quickly assess [the] level of LGBTQ inclusivity across different components of school environment and staff practices.”
The handbook then features a number of questions for teachers to help measure how inclusive their classrooms are. Teachers can then use their answers to rank their classrooms into three groups. (RELATED: Archdiocese Releases Updated Gender Policy Using Biological Sex To Determine Pronouns, Bathrooms)
The first category, which is “minimally inclusive,” bids the teachers to “commit to change.” The second, “moderately inclusive,” ranks the teacher’s classroom as “beginning to break through.” The highest inclusivity score labels the classroom teacher an “awesome ally.”
School administrators: Our LGBTQ inclusivity self-assessment tool can help you quickly gauge inclusivity at your school. See your score today and learn ways to increase inclusivity:
— CDC’s Division of Adolescent and School Health (@CDC_DASH) December 27, 2022
Teachers can answer questions on whether they, “correct those around [them] if [they] hear them using incorrect, outdated, derogatory, or harmful language or terminology.” Teachers can also measure their inclusivity based on whether they, “participate in [their] schools’ Gay Straight Alliance/Genders and Sexualities Alliance.”
The handbook also recommends certain resources for teachers, based on how they scored on the assessment questions. The resources include Harvard University’s “implicit bias test” and the “gender unicorn.”
The CDC did not respond to the Daily Caller’s request for comment in time for publication.