
Ocasio-Cortez Complains About Guy Who Was Likely Lonely, Tipped $200 To $300 During Her Service Industry Days

Kevin Dietsch/Getty Images

Kay Smythe News and Commentary Writer
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Democratic New York Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (AOC) on Thursday once again revealed how out of touch she is in one of her first posts on the new social media platform, Threads.

As seen in a post shared to Twitter, AOC’s bizarre statements came in reply to a question over the best and worst food service industry stories she had to share. “Oh gosh, there is literally an endless supply here. I have some really weird stories,” she first noted. “One time there was this really rich guy who would come in 1 week a year [and] was really addicted to mansplaining. You could just really tell he got satisfaction from it.”

From there, she detailed how this man, who sounds like he could possibly be very lonely, or maybe have a mild disorder, would ask AOC and other staff to ask him questions. He would then tell them a story and include “asides” AOC felt would “belittle the server and uplift himself.” At the end, the server would walk away with a roughly $200-$300 tip.

The apparently rich man would do the same thing every day for a full week and then disappear until next year, AOC said. Clearly, this is one of the “worst” stories, judging by AOC’s commentary.

I’m so used to AOC being completely out-of-touch and incredibly disrespectful to literally everyone, so this response didn’t surprise me. That doesn’t stop her from being pretty disgusting. Like, how ignorant do you have to be to complain about servers making huge tips while we’re all struggling to survive through Biden’s economic catastrophe? (RELATED: Listen To AOC Panic When She’s Asked To Endorse Biden For 2024)

Imagine being able to make an extra $1,000 in a week just by asking a random man questions and then having to listen to his responses. It doesn’t sound like a bad life to me. But apparently this man and his financial support of AOC and her colleagues was terrible … so, I guess, if that rich lonely man is out there: I can think of literally tens of thousands of people who would be eternally grateful for your support.