
ABC Edits Headline To Appease Climate Screechers

Ken Wolter / Shutterstock.com

Kay Smythe News and Commentary Writer
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It appears ABC News changed the headline of an article published Monday on why climate change can’t be blamed for the Maui wildfires.

The original article was entitled “Why climate change can’t be blamed for the Maui wildfires,” and was written by Julia Jacobo, Samantha Wnek, and Ginger Zee. By the next afternoon, the headline read: “Why climate change cant’ be blamed entirely for the Maui wildfires.”

The headline received major backlash from the Twitter mob of climate activists (who mostly don’t understand climate science), leading many to believe ABC made the change to appease them.

It is really quite sad to see three pretty great journalists report the actual news for once, only to be heckled for going against the ignorant status quo. (RELATED: Who’s The Alpha Blonde Dragging This Climate Protester By Her Hair?)

The article itself is incredibly balanced. It explained how Maui’s weather fluctuates throughout the year between the wet and dry season (we’re currently in the dry season). The origin of the wildfires was “likely a human-caused accident boosted by weather and environmental conditions,” according to the article.

Everything was cited and referenced. And although I’m almost a decade out of my Bachelor’s, it seemed legit. Everyone, including some crazy progressive pronouns user on Twitter who lost her mind at the headline, should calm down.

It’s a headline. Grow up. Digest the full article. And also, get a grip. ABC News should do the same thing. It’s so embarrassing they caved this quickly to a group of people who clearly didn’t understand the article.