
Stunning New Discovery Is Going To Make Progressives Hate Science, And Should Terrify Conservatives


Kay Smythe News and Commentary Writer
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A study published Monday detailed how a horrifying solar storm bombarded the Earth right around the end of our last major ice age.

The study found a massive dose of radiation pelted Earth around 14,300 years ago, and scientists suspect it was caused by a super-powered solar storm, the likes of which we’ve not seen since. Using carbon-14 results from sub-fossil Scots Pines recovered from the French Alps, the researchers noted a high level of radiocarbon caught within this time period, right around when things were warming up on a global level.

The researchers then used a second set of proxy data from Greenland ice cores to correlate the high levels of cosmic radiation to this same time period. The cores showed high levels of beryllium, which is most often created by cosmic rays slamming into other elements, LiveScience noted.

So, why will progressives hate this research? Well, it’s complicated. But the simplest way to explain it is the data contributes to a much larger body of research that is starting to dispel the origin narrative on climate change, and may mean we’ve spent the last thirty years trying to fight the wrong battle. (RELATED: Dear Kay: I Watched ‘Ancient Apocalypse’ And Now I’m Scared We’re Going To Die Before 2025)

Some of you may have been forced to watch former Vice President Al Gore’s documentary “An Inconvenient Truth” back in the early part of this millennium. The premise of the film was this idea that roughly 12,900 to 11,600 years ago, a mini ice age occurred. And it’ll happen again because of man-made climate change.

What Gore failed to explain was the planet was in the thick of an ice age some 2.6 million years prior. For some unknown reason, around 14,000 years ago, ice sheets started to disappear in some parts of the world, as discussed by the Oak Ridge National Laboratory.

Then, around 12,900 to 11,600 years ago, things got really cold again. This time period is called the Younger Dryas. And just as suddenly as it showed up, the Younger Dryas disappeared, likely because of an asteroid impact.

Could it be that our last ice age started to end because of a solar storm? If so, then we’ve spent the last thirty years focused on fossil fuels, when we should have been figuring out how to protect Earth’s magnetic field from turning into a damn microwave.

Or how about the fact our lives and freedoms have been significantly limited by Gore and his posse’s pro-man-made climate change propaganda, despite the science now suggesting the worst impacts of historical climate shifts were made by threats from our cosmos, not from Earth?

Progressives, I hate to say this, but you need to trust the science. It just doesn’t align with Gore’s indoctrination anymore. Perhaps it’s time to start demanding NASA figure out what actually happens during massive solar events, instead of gluing yourselves to priceless works of art to stop the oil business. (RELATED: Asteroid NASA Hit In Diversion Mission Is Acting So Mysteriously, An Investigation Was Launched)

And conservatives: be scared. These same people have convinced you that climate change is not a threat. But it is. Just not in the way you’ve been told. We are now threatened by our ignorance toward the power of our cosmos, and the only thing that can change that is you.