
‘Don’t Want To Hear Somebody Breathing’: Iconic Model Reveals Why She Refuses To Date

(Photo by Astrid Stawiarz/Getty Images for Fragrance Foundation)

Leena Nasir Entertainment Reporter
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Supermodel Linda Evangelista revealed the unexpected reason she hasn’t had a date since 2016.

The iconic model admitted she has become reclusive since a botched procedure that she underwent between August 2015 and September 2016. She diagnosed herself with OCD and described herself as a germophobe, The Times reported.

“I have that disorder where when people make noises it hurts me,” she said, according to a recent interview with The Times.

The 58-year-old said dating isn’t in her sights at all, and admitted she’s too bothered by other people to even think about sharing space with an intimate partner. When asked if she’d consider dating again, she said she’s “not interested.”

In fact, Evangelista can’t even handle going to see a movie.

“That loud popcorn chewing or the rustling of the wrappers. I don’t go to the movies for that reason,” she said.

She went on to explain the depth of her uneasiness.

“Things have to be symmetrically aligned. When I’m in the doctor’s waiting room I always straighten out their artwork on their wall,” the model told The Times.

Evangelista hasn’t had a date since her CoolSculpting procedure left her completely unhappy with the way she looked.

“I don’t want to sleep with anybody any more,” Evangelista said. “I don’t want to hear somebody breathing.”

Evangelista used to have all eyes on her as she walked the most prominent runways for the most luxurious fashion houses. These days, she lives life without a mirror. (RELATED: ‘He Knew Not To Touch My Face’: Linda Evangelista Makes Abuse Allegations Against Ex-Husband)

“Oh, I don’t look in the mirror. My son will say to me sometimes, ‘You might want to know that you have a pimple on your chin.’ And I’m like, what? But life is better without mirrors,” she told The Sunday Times.