
Clever Americans Are Getting The Heck Outta Cities. Here’s Where Y’all Loved And Hated It The Most In 2023


Kay Smythe News and Commentary Writer
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U.S. Census Bureau data released Tuesday showed more people are fleeing the Northeast than any other part of the country.

Between 2022 and 2023, hundreds of thousands of new residents moved to Texas, Florida, North Carolina (this explains the increase in traffic) and Georgia, with almost 500,000 choosing the Lonestar State as their new home, according to the U.S. Census Bureau.

New York managed to lose 102,000 residents, the highest in the nation, and you might be wondering why. Well, it turns out that when you allow rampant crime, homelessness, filth, violence, hatred and woke policies to remove most freedoms, people really don’t like it. California, Oregon and Hawaii all lost a huge number of residents, too.

Cornell researcher Jan Vink argued the demographic trend of people leaving cities like New York is nothing new, according to Newsday, but this simply isn’t the case.

Yes, a lot of people move in and out of most major cities on an annual basis. But there are no pull factors bringing residents back anymore. I mean, New York City is basically an extremely expensive post-apocalyptic hellscape these days. (RELATED: ‘Take Turns’: New York City Public Health Poster Says Doing Drugs Is Fine If Done Safely)

And who are these people fleeing Democrat states and cities? Well, they’re the clever folks of course! The rapid rate of American social decline means the quality of life in pretty much any city is dwindling. Add that to the extreme cost of living, and you’ve got to be pretty stupid to stay in what is essentially an abusive relationship with your governance and leadership.