
‘Stay With Me!’: Joe Scarborough Mocks Richard Haas For Botching Answer

Screenshot/Morning Joe

Nicole Silverio Media Reporter
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MSNBC’s Joe Scarborough mocked panelist Richard Haas on Thursday after he botched an answer about the Israel-Hamas war.

Haas mixed up Hamas with the Houthis when he said the terrorist group does not appear interested in agreeing to a ceasefire.

“I think the Houthis aren’t really interested,” Haas said.

“I’m not talking about them. Stay with me, Richard,” Scarborough said. “Move it. It’s not always what the pictures show. Sometimes you have to listen to what I say.”

“Do I have to?” Haas chuckled.

“You do, if you want to stay on my show,” the host added.

Haas said Hamas would not want to seek a ceasefire during potential attacks on their people during Ramadan, the most holy month of the year in Islam, to paint Israel in a bad light. (RELATED: ‘Squad’ Democrat Rep. Rashida Tlaib Says She’s ‘Proud’ To Vote Against President Joe Biden In Primary)

The panel addressed President Joe Biden’s handling of the war, in which they called for the president to support a two state solution and denounce “illegal settlements” in the West Bank. Biden has expressed unwavering support for Israel, despite criticism from many Democratic voters and members of his campaign.

Arab and Muslim Democrats in Michigan launched a campaign urging voters to vote “uncommitted” over Biden’s support for Israel. Though Biden won the state of Michigan, 13.3% of voters voted “uncommitted.”

Young Democrats have threatened to withhold their vote for Biden over his support for Israel and have pressured him to call for a ceasefire.

Pro-Palestinian protesters have even interrupted Biden’s speeches and campaign events, calling him “Genocide Joe.”

Nicole Silverio

Follow Nicole Silverio on Twitter @NicoleMSilverio