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Gaga Ball: The Most Fun Sport You’ve Never Heard Of

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Our most popular sports have histories that span centuries and audiences of millions of people, so it’s tempting to think that new sports rarely, if ever, emerge. But one of the most fun and interesting sports for children is just a few decades old – and it’s already making waves.

It’s called gaga ball.

But what is it? Where did it come from? And how can you get started playing it?

What Is Gaga Ball?

Gaga ball is played within a deliberately constructed play area; this fenced-in area is usually an octagon or a hexagon, with flat walls and a surface of dirt, sand, turf, or a rubberized material. This location is known as the gaga pit, but it’s not as intimidating as it sounds.

The easiest way to think of gaga ball is as a variant of dodgeball, though there are some major differences. Gaga ball can be played with a traditional dodgeball, a rubber kickball, or a ball specifically designed for this sport. Improvised balls may also be used, if none of the more traditional options are available.

At the start of the game, a player or referee takes the ball and randomly throws it into the air. All other players must keep their backs or hands against the wall and shout the syllable “ga” each time the ball bounces, developing a rhythm to establish a three count. After the third bounce, the ball is considered in play and players may enter the pit to begin gameplay.

Players attempt to hit the ball into another player; if a player is hit with the ball this way, they are out. If a player violates any of the main rules, they are also out. Players may not strike the ball twice in a row, and no player may cause the ball to leave the pit. Like in dodgeball, if the ball is caught, the player who last hit the ball is out.

According to Matt Allison of Actively Play, “One of the major advantages of gaga ball is that all skill levels can play together. Unlike regular dodgeball, gaga ball doesn’t focus on throwing the ball hard. The ball has to stay in the pit when hit so developing skills like accuracy, quickness, and a little strategy are more important. This makes it more accessible to a wide range of kids and is easy to jump into for players that have never played before.”

Gaga ball has become so popular in part because of its novelty and uniqueness, but also because it offers such a unique blend of advantages, especially for children. It’s a game that does require speed, strength, coordination, and dexterity, but it’s safer, more inclusive, and easier to control than dodgeball. It’s also played in a relatively confined area, with rules against the ball leaving the play area, so parents can keep their kids relatively contained.

The Rules of Gaga Ball

While there are local variants (and groups of kids who make up their own rules), the main rules of gaga ball are as follows:

  1.   The ball must be hit. The ball cannot be thrown. Many rules also prohibit gray area actions like scooping. Instead, players must hit the ball to send it into motion.
  2.   No turtling. Players are sometimes tempted to ground themselves in an act of defense known as turtling, where the knees and/or lower legs touch the ground. Turtling is generally prohibited, but many players permit accidental acts of grounding.
  3.   Unintentional strikes below the knee count. If the ball touches your knee or below your knee, you are out. This includes unintentional strikes, including if you touch yourself with the ball.
  4.   The last player to hit the ball before it leaves the pit is out. The last player who hits the ball before it exits the pit is out, rather than the person who initially hit the ball.
  5.   No spidering. Aside from at the very beginning of the game, holding or using the wall to gain an advantage is against the rules. This is known as spidering.
  6.   No double hits (unless…). Players may not hit the ball twice in a row. Before they can touch the ball again, the ball must hit a wall or another player between those touches.
  7.   Catches eliminate players. If the ball is sent into the air, the player who catches it eliminates the player who hit it into the air.
  8.   Eliminated players must leave the pit. To make it clear that the player is eliminated, eliminated players must leave the pit.
  9.   Premature entry eliminates a player. At the beginning of the game, entering the arena or letting go of the wall in an act of premature entry eliminates the player.
  10.   The previous winner serves the new game. The winner, or the last person out, has the right to start the next game with a serve (in the absence of a neutral referee).

Getting Started

If gaga ball sounds like a lot of fun for you or your kids, you’ll be pleased to know it’s relatively easy to get started. Because this sport is exploding in popularity, it’s relatively easy to find the equipment you need to play your first game: gaga ball walls and a gaga ball itself. And of course, you can always improvise with what you have until you find the proper equipment.

Members of the editorial and news staff of the Daily Caller were not involved in the creation of this content.

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