
Student Barred From Columbia University For Allegedly Threatening Remarks About Zionists


Mariane Angela Entertainment And News Reporter
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A student was barred Friday from Columbia University for his alleged threat against Zionists, Fox News reported.

Columbia University banned junior Khymani James, 20, from campus following his remarks about Zionists, according to the outlet. James’ comments, which seemingly implied a threat of violence and compared Zionists to white supremacists and Nazis, drew widespread attention online.

Columbia addressed James’ comments and the larger protests during a press briefing Friday afternoon, according to the university’s website.

“Several of you have had questions about a student video that is extremely alarming and upsetting,” the statement reads. “Calls of violence and statements targeted at individuals based on their religious, ethnic, or national identity are unacceptable and violate university policy.”

In the video, first reported by the Daily Wire, James described a Zionist as a white supremacist.

“These were masters who were white supremacists. What is a Zionist? A white supremacist. So let’s be very clear here: I’m not saying that I’m going to go out and start killing Zionists,” he reportedly said during a January 2024 meeting with Columbia’s Center for Student Success and Intervention, the video shows.

“What I am saying is that if an individual who identifies as a Zionist threatens my physical safety in person, i.e., puts their hands on me, I am going to defend myself and in that case scenario, it may come to a point where I don’t know when to stop.” (RELATED: ‘F*ck Israel, F*ck Zionism’: Pro-Palestinian Activist Confronts Alec Baldwin In Intense Video)

“Be grateful that I’m not just going out and murdering Zionists. I’ve never hurt anyone in my life, and I hope to keep it that way,” he added.

“Zionists, they don’t deserve to live comfortably, let alone Zionists don’t deserve to live,” he said. “The same way we are very comfortable accepting Nazis don’t deserve to live, fascists don’t deserve to live.”

Following the meeting, the student reportedly expressed “regret” Friday on X and expanded upon his stance.

“I actually kind of hope they do kick me out because I’ve been meaning to travel to South America,” James said, addressing his plans with respect to his status as a student, according to Fox News.

The White House condemned James’ comments, according to Fox News Digital.

“These dangerous, appalling statements turn the stomach and should serve as a wakeup call,” White House deputy press secretary Andrew Bates said in a statement to the outlet. “It is hideous to advocate for the murder of Jews. President Biden has been clear that violent rhetoric, hate speech, and Antisemitic remarks have no place in America whatsoever, and he will always stand against them.

Bates also responded to a question from Axios asking if an employee of the White House would be fired if they made similar remarks.

“They would be fired immediately,” Bates answered, according to Fox News.