
‘Great News’: Sean Hannity Says Biden’s Debate Rules ‘Extraordinarily Favorable’ For Trump

[Screenshot/Fox News]

Julianna Frieman Contributor
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Fox News’ Sean Hannity said Wednesday that President Joe Biden’s 2024 presidential debate rules are “extraordinarily favorable” for 2024 presumptive Republican nominee Donald Trump.

Biden proposed he and Trump face off in two televised debates, one in June and one in September, the New York Times (NYT) reported. Trump accepted Biden’s terms, including that there will be no live audience and that microphones will cut out as soon as a candidate’s speaking time runs out. Hannity told “Fox and Friends” co-hosts that the president’s debate requirements were “great news” for Trump.

“This made my day. This made my morning,” Hannity said. “This is great news if you’re, if you’re Donald J. Trump today for a lot of reasons. And if I was President Trump, I’d say, ‘Why not make it, uh, June, July, August, September. Let’s have four, Joe. Really make my day. You wanna have a debate? Let’s have debates.'”

“I think this is phenomenal news for a couple of reasons,” he continued. “One, I think that Donald Trump will wipe the floor with him, and I don’t care if we get these State Of The Union jacked up Joe with caffeine, Red Bull, or whatever. Uh, or we get regular Joe that could barely walk off the stage last night. I think it’s a great opportunity.”

“Also, he proposed a format that I think is extraordinarily favorable for the president, which is, if you’re not talking, your mic’s not on. I think one of the difficulties in 2020 is probably Donald Trump in that first debate was too aggressive. This will then kind of put, you know, rails in place so that one person talked at a time. And the more Joe talks, I think the worse he does.” (RELATED: Biden Triples Down On Major Trump Policy After Criticizing It During 2020 Campaign)

The Trump campaign has been calling on Biden to debate the former president several times, especially after Biden told Sirius XM’s Howard Stern that he would be “happy to debate” Trump “somewhere.” Trump repeatedly challenged Biden to debate him “anywhere, anytime, any place” before Biden finally proposed his terms.