
‘They Got It Twisted’: Blexit Activist Tears Into Dems For ‘Fumbling’ Black Vote, Praises ‘Magical’ Trump Bronx Rally

[Screenshot/YouTube/Fox News]

Julianna Frieman Contributor
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A Blexit activist, Madeline Brame, tore into Democrats on Friday for “fumbling” the black vote as she praised presumptive 2024 Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump’s “magical” rally in the South Bronx.

Blexit is an advocacy movement named for “Black Exit.” The BLEXIT Foundation, started in 2019 by Candace Owens and Brandon Tatum, focuses on “shifting culture” away from promoting “the victimhood mentality” among black Americans through “grassroots organizing” and “educational initiatives,” according to the organization’s website.

Trump held his first campaign rally in New York since 2016 Thursday evening at Cortona Park, drawing enthusiastic supporters from the otherwise Democratic stronghold. Brame, who attended Trump’s Bronx rally, told Fox News host Will Cain the Democratic Party has “got it twisted” when it comes to the support of black voters.

“I’m very disturbed, number one, by these comments that these paid, okay, um, elected officials off on our tax dollars are making toward a whole entire demographic of American citizens. They work for us, we don’t work for them. They got it twisted,” Brame said.

“Yesterday, out of the Bronx, that was electric,” she continued. “There was something supernatural about that whole entire experience. The energy that was in that park, of people of all races, of all creeds, all religions, all together on one accord. And we were happy. And we were excited. It was magical.”

“You had to be there to understand and feel the energy. None of those rich people in suits would ever step foot in there. Donald Trump did, and we had his ear. He showed us he cared,” Brame said. (RELATED: Former Blue City Mayor Tells CNN Democrats Take Minority Voters ‘For Granted’)

Brame’s sentiment toward the Republican candidate was echoed by numerous Bronx rally attendees of Trump’s speech, during which the former president told the audience that “it doesn’t matter” what race or “whatever the hell color you are” because “we are all American” and will “pull together” to improve the country.