
Auburn Golfer Jackson Koivun Loses National Championship In One Of The Most Painful Ways Imaginable

(Photo by Andrew Redington/Getty Images)

Andrew Powell Sports and Entertainment Blogger
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Why does golf have to be so damn cruel sometimes?

Jackson Koivun, a freshman at Auburn University, found that out in flying colors Sunday during the NCAA Championship’s final round. (RELATED: Despite Winning WAC Conference, Tarleton State Baseball Nixed From NCAA Tournament Over Outright Stupid Rule)

At first, it looked like Koivun was going to hit not just one of the greatest shots in college golf history, but golf, period. The shot came on the final hole as well, which would have made things even more iconic. But things didn’t go that way at all. Rather than glory, it brought Koivun pain … A LOT of pain. Instead of going into the hole, the ball popped off the flag stick and flew all the way back to the bunker after one of the unluckiest bounces you’ll ever see.

Koivun ended up missing a possible playoff (and national championship at that) by only one stroke.



Oh, man … I truly hate it for this kid.

If you don’t know who Jackson Koivun is, he’s the victor of the Ben Hogan Award, which is given to the best player in college golf. My man had an opportunity to do a clean sweep — winning the Ben Hogan and a national championship ring — and he hit one hell of a shot to make it happen, too … and then this?!

That’s some brutal stuff, man. I don’t know how that kid slept after that — if he even slept at all.