
Insane Video Shows Baseball Play That Could Possibly The First Of Its Kind In Sports History


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Folks, you’re just gonna have to see this one to believe it.

A centerfielder for an Ohio high school baseball team thwarted his opponents’ daring dash to home plate Friday, not with his arms but, shockingly, with his legs.

A Fort Recovery High School batter stepped up to the plate during the sixth inning of a game against rival Maria Stein Marion Local and slapped what should have been a routine single into shallow centerfield, a video WOSN Sports posted to Twitter shows.

But a lapse in judgement by Marion’s infielders left second base open for the Ft. Recovery player to take. Once Ft. Recovery’s third baseman noticed the hole in coverage, he left his position at third to fill in, beginning a cascade effect that would eventually set up the pure insanity that took place at home plate.

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The catcher, noticing third base was now open, left his spot guarding home plate once he saw the empty bag. Meanwhile, Ft. Recovery’s batter never stopped running. Dude was full steam ahead and had his eyes on home plate the whole way. (RELATED: Former MLB Infielder Collapses And Dies While Coaching Son’s Little League Team)

But the centerfielder, who scooped the ball up from the shallow outfield grass, never had anyone to throw it to considering nobody was covering the proper base. So buddy says “fine I’ll do it myself” and sprints towards home plate to make what could be the baseball play of the millennium.

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As Ft. Recovery’s batter barrels towards an empty home plate, the Marion centerfielder takes the perfect angle from the outfield, cutting right through the diamond to meet the runner right before he reached home. The fielder slaps the tag on the runner’s back and the umpire emphatically calls him out.

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“I have never seen that in high school baseball. Never,” the announcers said in the video.

The amount of effort put in by this outfielder, whose team was losing 11-3 at the time, deserves a standing ovation. That kid is going places in life. When all the rest of his teammates were ignoring protocol, getting sloppy, breaking down a routine play into what could have been a sensational highlight for the opposition, this centerfield said “not on my watch” and put the team on his back. A generational play. Truly something to behold.

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