
The Tide Is About To Turn Against Gender Activists Abusing America’s Kids

(HOANG DINH NAM/AFP via Getty Images)

Dylan Housman Deputy News Editor
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It’s easy to look back on the great horrors of history and wonder how they could have happened in the first place. From genocides to eugenic movements to ritualistic abuses, modern human beings wonder how people could go along with such travesties to begin with.

Historically, human minds haven’t been changed in these circumstances by facts or data or logic. It’s not often an ultra-compelling argument or nicely-presented chart that wins over hearts and minds. It’s real, raw, emotional connection.

That’s why Detrans: True Stories of Escaping the Gender Ideology Cult, a new book out Tuesday by former Daily Caller News Foundation reporter Mary Margaret Olohan, could prove to be a pivotal work in the battle for the soul of this nation on the issue of child mutilation — or, as its proponents call it, “gender-affirming care.”

Olohan’s book features in-depth interviews with “detransitioners” — that is, individuals who thought they were transgender, went through some or all phases of transitioning and then later came to regret it — detailing their experiences. It’s one of the most powerful books anyone will ever read. Each lie that is told to these victims, life-altering drug that is pushed onto them and mutilating procedure that is performed on them, leading to a life of depression and regret, will make the reader’s heart sink and trigger a shudder.

Don’t look away, though. These are real things happening to real people. Parents being told their children will kill themselves if they don’t transition. Kids waking up from surgery with the breasts removed. Losing basic bodily functions after procedures that their doctors didn’t tell them about — every horrific detail actually happened.

As Olohan puts it herself, “On the one hand, your average American who sees a photo of someone’s chest after “top surgery” is horrified and appalled that our medical system even allows this type of gender transition procedure to be performed, especially if the photo depicts a young person or a minor.” (RELATED: THE WPATH TAPES: Behind-The-Scenes Recordings Reveal What Top Gender Doctors Really Think About Sex Change Procedures)

“It’s easy to believe the activist talking point that denying “gender affirming care” to minors is cruel. It’s another thing to be confronted with visual representations of what that nebulous “gender affirming care” actually is — so the photos can be instrumental in changing hearts and minds on whether these surgeries are actually “care” and actually affirming.”

There’s only so much convincing that medical studies or logical arguments can do. Being confronted with the harsh reality of gender transitioning for minors shocks the system in a whole new way, the same way hearing about tragedies like the Tuskegee Experiment or Unit 731.

If every American read Detrans from start to finish, these crimes against children would stop tomorrow. In lieu of that dream, the message of the book should be spread far and wide so that a sequel can never be written.