
‘We Have To Be Honest’: ‘The View’ Co-Host Says ‘Time Is Running Out’ To Beat Trump


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“The View” co-host Alyssa Farah Griffin said Tuesday that Democrats were “running out” of time to defeat former President Donald Trump in the 2024 election.

Griffin made the comments during a discussion of a February interview former Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton gave for an upcoming book, during which she blasted Democrats for being “complacent” about the threat to abortion rights and the 2024 election. Griffin warned that Republican voters were “equally energized” for the November election. (RELATED: ‘Really Hard To Accept’: Hillary Clinton Rips Dems For Being Asleep At Wheel In Years Leading Up To Dobbs Decision)


“I spent the weekend in red state America, in Florida, had a great time, but it was a reminder to me of this, as adamant and strong as so many people around us in New York are, that Trump has to go down, Biden has to win, they’re equally energized people on the other side,” Griffin told the other co-hosts.

Multiple Democratic operatives are describing having “a pervasive sense of fear” over President Joe Biden’s chances in the 2024 election, according to Politico. Biden’s poll numbers against Trump were cited as one reason for the fear, while one operative also noted Biden’s age, the border crisis, Vice President Kamala Harris and the independent candidacy of Robert F. Kennedy Jr. when talking to the outlet.

“What I think Hillary Clinton hit on very brilliantly is the GOP has gotten much better at messaging around one message,” Griffin continued. “Trump says one crazy thing and people are lined up outside of a courtroom, they’re willing to freeze him on the court bench with him, they’re saying it all over Fox News. You know what the message is, even when there are lies. There were tremendous lies that were espoused this past weekend by the former president. Democrats haven’t done that.”

Trump leads Biden by 1.1% in the RealClearPolitics average of general election polls for a head-to-head matchup as of Tuesday, with the lead growing to 1.8% when Green Party candidate Jill Stein and independent candidates Cornel West and Robert F. Kennedy Jr. are included.

“I couldn’t tell you today what Joe Biden’s core campaign message is or who the dozen key surrogates he has that are going to go out on TV,” Griffin said. “The time is running out. We are six months out. We have to be honest. There is a chance this guy could win if we don’t start fighting harder.”

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