
ROOKE: As If Killing Your Own Kid Could Possibly Get More Demented, Check Out This ‘Trans Abortion Doula’

Photo by THIBAUT DURAND/Hans Lucas/AFP via Getty Images

Mary Rooke Commentary and Analysis Writer
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In case you thought society couldn’t stoop any lower, the left is now hailing the work of a “Trans Abortion Doula” named Ash Williams.

Rolling Stones wrote an origin story piece about a woman who identifies as a man having an abortion and how her abortion started her down the path to becoming a transgender abortion doula. They want you to see her as a victim, not a villain.

“I believe every person deserves to have the kind of abortion that they want to have,” she told Rolling Stone. Typically, a doula helps women with their pregnancies in the hopes that the baby and mother live. But Williams isn’t interested in hoping to bring life into this world. Instead, she wants to help other gender-confused women kill their children through abortion.

Planned Parenthood featured the piece on their Twitter account, saying that she is “redefining reproductive support.” The baby-killing organization that also happens to be one of America’s top providers of so-called “gender-affirming care” calls what Williams is doing “compassionate care.”

The left is (of course) praising Williams based on her race and other boxes she checks on their list of approved victimhood intersections because they’ll praise just about anything to serve the purpose of evil rather than morality. (ROOKE: One GOP Lawmaker Called A Decades-Old Liberal Bluff, And The Left Is Losing Its Mind)

“Williams’ own experience at the intersection of Blackness, transness, and disability — navigating autism, PTSD, and mobility issues (he uses a cane) — while also having been pregnant puts him in a unique position to understand the hurdles that can arise while trying to get a simple medical procedure,” Rolling Stone wrote.

Reframing killing a child and mutilating bodies as “compassionate” is something the left loves to do most. When conservatives act in genuine compassion, as Republican Alabama Sen. Katie Britt did with her MOMS Act, they get demonized as bigots and anti-female. Rolling Stone reminds us that we live in a godless society that praises murder and mayhem over truth.