
ROOKE: Trump Trial Judge Is Doing Everything In His Power To Confuse The Jury To Ensure Conviction

Photo by Michael M. Santiago/Getty Images

Mary Rooke Commentary and Analysis Writer
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Judge Juan Merchan is taking unprecedented steps to ensure that the jury in the New York trial against former President Donald Trump is confused to ensure the outcome the left wants– a Trump conviction.

It has never been more apparent that the Trump trial over the supposed “hush money” payments made to Stormy Daniels isn’t about justice but political revenge.

Law professor Jonathan Turley said the trial and jury instruction amounted to a “Manhattan Canned Hunt.”

“The instructions in the case raised concerns that the deliberations could become a legal version of a canned hunt, where the prey is trapped in a cage or fenced in areas to be dispatched. Elements of the instructions are disturbing in reducing what is required to convict the former president,” Turley said.

The judge is not allowing the jury to have the written instructions in the deliberation room, which is highly unorthodox. Couple that with the fact that the judge broke the jury into separate groups for their decision and instructed them that they do not have to agree on counts in order to obtain a conviction.

Merchan also omitted facts proving that there was no federal campaign violation, including that the supposed payments and conversations about the money were made in 2017 after Trump was already in the White House. (ROOKE: The Left’s Insane Hatred Of America Peaked Right Before Memorial Day)

It is clear that Merchan is creating a no-win scenario for Trump in which an acquittal is impossible. The left wants the conviction, and Merchan has created a criminal theory out of thin air to give it to them. This isn’t a legitimate legal proceeding. Mao Zedong would be proud of Merchan’s work.