Shocking Videos Show Pro-Palestine Activists Storm, Occupy Museum

(Photo by ADAM GRAY/AFP via Getty Images)

Hailey Gomez General Assignment Reporter
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Pro-Palestine protesters were seen Friday afternoon storming and occupying New York City’s well-known Brooklyn Museum, draping a flag over the building in support of Gaza, videos show.

Videos posted to Twitter show chaotic scenes from an estimated hundreds of protesters at the Brooklyn Museum taking part in a rally believed to have been started by a pro-Palestinian group called “Within Our Lifetime.” The activist organization posted a flyer online calling for protesters to “flood” the well-known building, stating, “Activists are de-occupying the museum until they disclose and divest from the US-israeli genocide. All out to stand with Gaza.” (RELATED: Dems’ Favorite Fundraising Platform Used By Groups Behind Conference Tied To Terror Orgs)

Around 6 p.m., which is closing time for the museum, protesters flooded the front of the museum and attempted to open the doors, but security guards quickly locked the front entrances prohibiting them from entering.

Though it is unclear how they entered, activists were eventually seen inside the front area of the museum waving around flags. Video footage additionally captured some activists jumping over barricades and climbing the roof of the building to drape a massive flag that read “Brooklyn Museum: No Silence On Genocide.”

New York Police Department (NYPD) officials arrived on the scene later and arrested at least one activist. The activist attempted to run, but authorities tackled him to the ground and placed him under arrest. It is unclear how many arrests have been made so far, and activists are still at the museum at the time of publication.

The Daily Caller has reached out to the NYPD.