
ROOKE: Biden Makes Terrible Strategic Move After Trump Verdict

Photo by BRENDAN SMIALOWSKI/AFP via Getty Images

Mary Rooke Commentary and Analysis Writer
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President Joe Biden announced Friday that he’d be having a press conference less than 24 hours after a Manhattan jury found former President Donald Trump guilty of inflated charges. Except for a small amount of time at the top reserved for Trump, Biden confusingly decided, of all things, he’d bring up the war in Gaza.

It could be speculated that Biden’s decision to address Trump’s conviction was a strategic move, potentially aimed at diverting public attention from his own leadership shortcomings. Biden seemingly got what he wanted. His smile at the end of the press conference when reporters referenced Trump’s comments about being a political prisoner showed as much.

The reason for the address, however, wasn’t to speak about Trump’s trial. Biden spent the majority of his time talking about the war in Gaza, urging Hamas to accept ceasefire agreements with Israel. (The Die Is Cast — What Are The Odds For Trump 2024?)

Even Biden’s most ardent supporters like Bloomberg columnist Matthew Yglesias — who proudly displays his Biden/Harris political sign in front of his home — were left perplexed. Yglesias questioned why the president would choose to talk about arguably his “worst issue” among Democrat voters, the ones he desperately needs to keep happy to secure enough votes to stay in the White House. (RELATED: ‘RIGGED: Death Of The American Voter’ — Stream Now)

“I always say: When your opponent is convicted of felonies, you need to do everything possible to shift the national conversation back to your absolute worst issue — something that divides your supporters and where anything you say will make people mad,” Yglesias tweeted at Biden in response to his Middle East press conference announcement.

Who is advising this man? Of all the issues Biden could talk to the American public about in the aftermath of the sham Trump trial, the fact that anyone thought it was a good idea for him to bring up Gaza is ridiculous. The only explanation is that his mental acuity issues have become contagious and spread to his staff. Nothing else could make this make sense.