
‘That Did Not Happen’: Doug Burgum Pushes Back On CBS Host After Asking About Claims Trump Sought Money From Oil Execs

[Screenshot/CBS News/"Face the Nation"]

Hailey Gomez General Assignment Reporter
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Republican North Dakota Gov. Doug Burgum pushed back Sunday against CBS host Margaret Brennan after asking about claims that former President Donald Trump sought out money from oil executives to help get him in office during a meeting.

Burgum appeared on “Face the Nation” to discuss his reaction to Trump’s recent verdict and his continual support for the former president as the 2024 elections grow closer. As Burgum explained how he has been volunteering to help out Trump’s campaign with energy policies, calling out low oil production in his state while foreign adversaries like Iran are up, Brennan jumped in to ask about a reported meeting between Trump and oil executives. (RELATED: ‘Green New Deal’ Author AOC Is Warning That Trump Will Raise Gas Prices)

“Let me ask you that. According to the Washington Post in their reporting, Donald Trump met with oil executives and said if they raise a billion dollars to return him to the White House he’ll reduce regulation, if elected. Start auctioning off leases —” Brennan stated.

“I was at that meeting and that did not happen. That is not what happened at that meeting and that’s been reported over and over and over again,” Burgum pushed back.

“Did he ask for a billion dollars in donations?” Brennan asked.

“He didn’t ask for a billion dollars in donations and there was no quid pro quo. Think what he did last time for the energy. This guy cut regulation[s] for everybody whether they donated to him or not. He helped get gas prices down for all Americans — Republicans, independents and Democrats — whether they donated to him or not. It drives me crazy what —” Burgum responded.

“Well the economy was also shut down due to COVID, that lowered prices too,” Brennan jumped in.

“People went on hearsay, that weren’t at the meeting, [to] report it like it’s a fact when it’s not a fact,” Burgum continued.

“Well I’m asking you to make sure,” Brennan stated.

The Washington Post reported in early May that sources “with knowledge of the meeting,” spoke on the condition of anonymity that Trump allegedly sought out top executives to raise $1 billion “to return” him to the White House. In exchange, Trump then allegedly vowed to “immediately reverse” dozens of President Joe Biden’s environmental rules and policies, the outlet reported.

As many Democrats have pushed Biden on progressive environmental policies, such as the “Green New Deal” which seeks to spend trillions on helping the U.S. reach net-zero emissions in 10 years, along with guaranteeing jobs throughout the transition, the effects of inflation on gas prices have taken a toll on Biden’s polls.

Prior to the pandemic lockdowns in January 2020, gas prices across the country, according to the U.S. Energy Information Administration, were sitting at $2.55 per gallon for all types of gas compared to gas later peaking under Biden’s administration in June 2022 at $4.92 and last sitting at $3.61 per gallon in April 2024.

Polls from voters have shown that Americans trust Trump over Biden on issues regarding inflation — which is a top issue for many come this November. According to an ABC News/Ipsos poll from May, 85% of poll participants stated inflation is an important issue, a margin of 14 percentage points noted that they trusted Trump over Biden on the issue.