Rideshare Driver Opens Fire On Naked Man Who Allegedly Assaulted Elderly Woman: REPORT

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Dana Abizaid Contributor
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An Uber driver in California opened fire on a naked man who was allegedly assaulting a 60-year-old woman Sunday, investigators said, ABC 7 reported.

The Orange County Sheriff’s Department (OCSD) said the driver was dropping off a passenger at about 8 p.m. when he noticed the alleged assault and took action, according to ABC 7.

The driver yelled at the naked suspect to stop allegedly attacking the woman before the man then started pounding on the side of his car, according to investigators, ABC 7 reported. (RELATED: Naked Man Prompts Hours-Long Police Standoff In Texas)

A witness ABC 7 identified as “Luis” told the outlet that the naked man was “like trying to get into the car, and the [rideshare driver] was clearly telling him like, ‘Get off my car,’ like using expletives, ‘You better get off my car. You better get off my car,’ and that’s when we ran inside and we heard the gunshots.”

Investigators alleged that the suspect was pounding on the vehicle before the Uber driver opened fire, according to the outlet.

Police said the 20-year-old suspect remains in stable condition in the hospital, but could face charges when released, the outlet reported.

“The rideshare driver stayed at the scene and he was interviewed by sheriff’s investigators and later released at the scene,” OCSD Sgt. Matthew Parrish reportedly said. “The woman who was being assaulted was seen by the Orange County Fire Authority and released at the scene as well.”

Investigators said they don’t consider the incident a sexual assault, the outlet reported. “We’re still looking into whether or not this man was under the influence of any kind of drugs or if he has any mental health issues or anything like that,” Sgt. Parrish reportedly said. “That’s all part of the investigation and something that will come out later on down the road.”

Uber said in a statement Monday that the alleged details of the incident were “frightening” and they were “continuing to look into this and are standing ready to assist law enforcement on their investigation,” ABC7 reported.